Industrial-Grade Triplex Water Booster Pump Skids

2600-GPM Triplex Water Booster Pump Skid. It is an ancillary item for a Marlo water treatment system at a major food production facility. Each pump is designed to deliver 1300-GPM at 75 psig discharge pressure. Normal operation is two (2) pumps online and the third pump serving as a common piped/wired spare. The pumps are horizontal, single-stage centrifugal type with a stainless steel body and fitted with100 HP TEFC premium efficient motors. The Motor Control Center (MCC) includes the main power inlet panel, remote I/O controller, individual motor disconnect switches, and variable frequency drives (VFD). Interconnecting piping is Sch 10 welded 304 stainless steel with 16" inlet suction and 12" discharge headers.