Strengthening Community Connection

Every act of giving, no matter how small, sends ripples through the fabric of a community.
At MARLO we believe in actively contributing to the vitality of our communities by directing our co1porate giving efforts towards causes that address both critical local needs and causes that are important to our employees, ultimately building more resilient and thriving communities. We encourage our employees to actively participate in our corporate giving programs, creating a shared sense of purpose and strengthening our connection to the community.
MARLO generosity creates a ripple effect that I M P A C T S our entire community.
- Autism Foundation
- Chippewa Pals
- Girl Scouts of Southeastern WI
- Koos for Kids
- Oak Creek High School
- Racine Literacy Foundation
- Racine Neighborhood Watch
- Racine Steelheads Youth Baseball Club
- RCOC Golf for Kids
- Roger Abbott Foundation
- Salvation Army of Racine
- The Prairie School
- Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin
- Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin
- 128th Civic Dinner and Dance Event